Downloads are available, below, for a number of Mick's works that are no longer in print/available on the internet. For more recent articles, please go to the respective training pages on this site, or Mick's Researchgate page.
Men and Masculinity
Cooper, M. (1997). Under the shadow of the bat: Men and fear, Achilles Heel, 21.
Cooper, M. (1996) The Divided Female, Human Potential Magazine, November, 19-21.
Cooper, M. (1996) Dying to Succeed, Achilles Heel, 20, 14-15.
Cooper, M. (1995) Masking Rage, Achilles Heel, 19, 14-16.
Cooper, M. (1995). The way of the hummus. Achilles Heel, 19, 33.
Cooper, M. (1995) Female Divides, Achilles Heel, 18, 22-24.
Cooper, M. (1993) Woden Man, Body Politic, 3, 48-49.
Cooper, M. (1993) Sex, Socialism and Cetaceans: an Interview with Ken Livingstone, Body Politic, 3, 34-37.
Cooper, M. (1993) Tom Robinson Interview, Body Politic, 2, 34-37.
Cooper, M. (1993) 'Return to the Wild Side', Body Politic, 2, 16-19.
Cooper, M. (1992/3) 'Sporting Identities', Achilles Heel, 14, 16-18.
Cooper, M. (1991) 'A Wander on the Wild Side', Achilles Heel, 12, 28-31.
Cooper, M. (1991) A history of the men's movement. Sheffield: Achilles Heel.
Cooper, M. (1990) 'Searching for the Anti-Sexist Man', Achilles Heel, 10, 10-13.
Existential therapy
Psychology of Masks
PERSON-Centred therapy
Cooper, M. (2001). Embodied empathy. In S. Haugh & T. Merry (Eds.), Empathy (pp. 218-229). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Diagram of Carl Rogers’s model of development (from Cooper, M. (2013). Developmental and personality theory. In M. Cooper, P. F. Schmid, M. O'Hara & G. Wyatt (Eds.), The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling (2nd ed., pp. 118-135). Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Counselling Psychology
Cooper, M. (2009). Welcoming the Other: Actualising the humanistic ethic at the core of counselling psychology practice. Counselling Psychology Review, 24(3&4), 119-129. (Spanish translation)
Cooper, M. (2021). Out of anguish, incredible things can emerge. Therapy Today, November, 40-41. [My experience of failing my first PhD viva]