Mick Cooper is an internationally recognised author, trainer, and consultant in the field of humanistic, existential, and pluralistic therapies.  He is a Chartered Psychologist, and Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton.  Mick has facilitated workshops and lectures around the world, including New Zealand, Lithuania, and Florida. Mick's books include Existential Therapies (2nd ed., Sage, 2017), Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy (2nd ed., Sage, 2018), and Integrating Counselling and Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy, and Social Change (Sage, 2019). Mick’s principal areas of research have been in shared decision-making/personalising therapy, and counselling for young people in schools.  In 2014, Mick received the Carmi Harari Mid-Career Award from Division 32 of the American Psychological Association. He is a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Academy of Social Sciences. Mick’s latest book explores the contribution that counselling and psychotherapy theory and practice can make to wider social progress and justice: Psychology at the Heart of Social Change: Towards a Progressive Vision for Society (Bristol University, 2023).


Details of forthcoming in-person workshops can be found on my Forthcoming Events tab.

Pre-recorded, online versions of all my workshops and presentations can be found at Onlinevents.


Practice examples

Examples of what not to do in counselling work

Brief demonstration of counselling practice (with commentary)

Demonstration of person-centred practice (with commentary)

Demonstration of humanistic/person-centred counselling skills (no commentary)

Demonstration of person-centred practice (no commentary)

A demonstration of working with client’s goals in therapy using the Goals Form.

Talks and Dialogues

A playlist of downloadable podcasts of my work on pluralistic therapy, existential therapy, and others areas of counselling and psychotherapy is available here (Soundcloud).

Reflections on my career: therapy, pluralism and politics, and why my cat doesn’t like me…

A presentation and discussion with Canadian colleagues on working with preferences in therapy

An interview for the BPS about my work and background, with a particular focus on counselling psychology, is available here.

An interview in Spanish about my life and reflections is available here (p.25). (Una entrevista en español sobre mi vida y reflexiones está disponible aquí).

An interview with my daughter, Maya, about a film she is making about our forefather, Moishe, who was kidnapped as a young Jewish boy in Ukraine to fight in the Czar’s army (access here).

Recent Blog Posts

Blog Index

Latest Books

Please note

Sorry, I am not able to offer individual career advice or guidance on individual cases. For career advice, you can contact the following professional organisations: BACP, UKCP, and BPS.

If you are experiencing psychological difficulties or distress, I would always recommend that you discuss this with your GP. Links for urgent mental health support are available here. To find a therapist, there is the BACP Therapist Directory, UKCP Therapist Directory, and the BPS Find a Psychologist site.

No liability will attach to the University of Roehampton as a result of the training and consultancy work presented on this website, which Mick is carrying out in a private capacity.