Pre-recorded, online versions of all my workshops can be found at Onlinevents.
Previous EVENTS (2018 onwards)
24 February 2018. Salford. Pluralistic therapy. One-day CPD workshop. Counselling North-West.
3 March 2018. Brighton. Working at relational depth. One-day CPD workshop. Brighton person-centred community.
17-18 March 2018. Dundee. 1st International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. Keynote talk and workshop.
24th March 2018. London. Existential therapy: An introduction. One-day CPD workshop. NScience.
19th May 2018, Gillingham, Kent. Meeting at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Relate Medway and North Kent.
26th May 2018, Shefford, Beds. An introduction to existential therapy. One day CPD workshop. Riverwood Counselling and Wellbeing Practice.
16th June 2018, Lancashire. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Affordable CPD.
28-29th June 2018, Manchester. School-based counselling in the UK. Keynote lecture. Mental Health and Education: Building Relationships. Conference.
3rd July 2018, Ashridge. Working at relational depth: What the psychotherapy research is telling us and the implications for coaching. Keynote lecture. 5th International Relational one-day Coaching Conference.
5th July 2018. London. Developing an integrative model of counselling and psychotherapy: Contributions from (and to) transactional analysis. Keynote lecture. Theory Development and Research Conference: Working at the relational edge of evidence.
6th July 2018, Keele. Directionality, synergy and social justice. 24th Annual ACAT Conference (cognitive analytic therapy).
8th September 2018, Lincoln. Relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Supporting Minds.
18th September 2018, Auckland, New Zealand. Directionality: Towards an integrative framework for counselling and psychotherapy. Invited lecture. The University of Auckland.
19th September, 2018, Auckland, New Zealand. Counselling: A pluralistic approach. Half day CPD workshop. New Zealand Association of Counsellors.
19th September, 2018, Auckland, New Zealand. Working at relational depth. Half day CPD workshop. New Zealand Association of Counsellors.
21st September 2018, Christchurch, New Zealand. Relational depth. Keynote lecture and workshop. Person-centred and Experiential Therapies Conference: Transformation through Relationship.
25th-26th September 2018, Sydney, Australia. Existential therapy: Exploring the rich tapestry of practices. Two-day CPD workshop. Centre for Existential Practice. Click here for a video introducing the workshop. Workshop evaluation.
27th September 2018, Sydney, Australia. Developing a pluralistic approach to the psychological therapies. Half day CPD workshop. 2018 Australian Psychological Society Congress.
27th September 2018, Sydney, Australia. Working with goals in counselling and psychotherapy: A state-of-the-art review. Keynote lecture. 2018 Australian Psychological Society Congress.
28th September 2018, Sydney, Australia. Existential psychotherapy and counselling: Contributions to a pluralistic practice. Book club presentation. 2018 Australian Psychological Society Congress.
3rd October 2018. Perth, Australia. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. APS College of Counselling Psychologist. Workshop evaluation.
20th October 2018, Lancaster. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. North Lancashire Counselling Service.
10th November 2018, Kettering, Northamptonshire. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Teamwork Trust. Workshop evaluation.
17th November 2018, Eastbourne. Working at relational depth in counselling. One day CPD workshop. Eastbourne Person-Centred Group.
19th November 2018, Derby. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. The Compassionate Mind Foundation.
24th November 2018, Truro, Cornwall. Relational depth in counselling. One day CPD workshop, Lifetime therapies.
25th November 2018, Truro, Cornwall. Existential counselling--An introduction. One day CPD workshop, Lifetime therapies.
1st December 2018, London. Pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. University of Roehampton. Workshop evaluation.
26th January 2019. Truro, Cornwall. Pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. Lifetime therapies.
27th January 2019. Truro, Cornwall. Goals in therapy. One day CPD workshop. Lifetime therapies.
9th February 2019. Exeter, Devon. Existential therapy. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill College.
23rd February 2019, Nottingham. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Karen Emery Workshops.
24th February, 2019, London. Psychotherapy, goals, & behaviour change. Lecture. A Day on Behaviour Change. Weekend University.
2nd March 2019, London Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. NScience.
9th March, 2019, Preston. An introduction to pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. Affordable Counselling and Psychotherapy CPD.
16th March, 2019, Wimborne, Dorset. Young people in the 21st century. Keynote speaker (counselling in schools), one day conference. Iron Mill College.
30th March 2019, Weston-Super-Mare, Dorset. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. New Dawn Counselling Service.
6-7th April 2019, London. From goals to directionality: Exploring our highest-order directions. Workshop (Second International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling & Psychotherapy), University of Roehampton.
20th April 2019, St Petersburg, Russia. Existential approaches in psychology. Keynote lecture. 6th St Petersburg Week of Psychology. St. Petersburg Institute of Psychology and Social Work.
12th May 2019, Warsaw, Poland. Relational depth: Moments of movement in therapy. Keynote lecture. Moments of Movement: Conference of the European Symposium of Person Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling.
25th May 2019, Worthing. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. CARA Counselling Training.
1st June 2019, Truro, Cornwall. Relational depth in counselling. One day CPD workshop, Lifetime therapies.
2nd June 2019, Truro, Cornwall. Existential counselling--An introduction. One day CPD workshop, Lifetime therapies.
22nd June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. Goals in therapy: Actualising our deepest directions. One day CPD workshop. ISPA.
28-29th June 2019, Cardiff. Directionality. Keynote speaker, Division of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference. BPS Division of Counselling Psychology.
6th July 2019, Buckinghamshire. Working @ relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Clarity Thinking.
12th July 2019, London. Directionality. Keynote speaker. International Meaning Conference. IMEC.
27th July 2019, London. Existential therapy: An introductory workshop for practitioners. One day CPD workshop. The Weekend University.
14th September 2019, Hebden Bridge. Working at relational depth in psychotherapy & counseling. One day CPD workshop. Northern Therapeutic Alliance.
22-23rd September 2019, Kiev, Ukraine. Relational depth and Pluralistic therapy. Two, one day CPD workshops.
28th September 2019. Lancaster. Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Lancaster.
29th September 2019. Sunderland. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Lighthouse Therapy Group.
5th October 2019. London. Working with pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. NScience.
9th October 2019. Edinburgh. Directionality: Implications for compassion focused therapy. Keynote lecture. Compassionate Mind Foundation’s 8th International Conference.
19th October 2019, Brighton. Working with goals in psychotherapy and counselling. One day CPD workshop. The Centre for Emotional Development.
2nd November 2019. Exeter, Devon. Relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill College.
16th November 2019. Manchester. Relational depth and psychotherapy. Keynote lecture. Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy Conference. Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy.
17th November 2019. Chester. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD Workshop. Time to Talk Chester.
30th November 2019. Shefford, Beds. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Riverwood Counselling and Wellbeing Practice. Workshop evaluation.
1st December 2019. London. Pluralistic therapy. Lecture, A day on Psychotherapy. The Weekend University.
14th December 2019. Folkestone, Kent. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Bedonwell Counselling.
18th January 2020. Belfast. Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Mental Health Matters, NI.
1st February 2020, Nottingham. Integrating counselling and psychotherapy: Directionality, synergy, and social change. One day CPD workshop. Nottingham Counsellors Group.
8th February 2020. London. Working with goals in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. NScience.
15th February 2020, Weston-Super-Mare. Working with goals in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. New Dawn Counselling Service.
29th February, 2020. Lancaster. Pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. North Lancashire Counselling Service.
1st March 2020, Glasgow. Introduction to existential therapy. One day CPD workshop. Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre.
14th March 2020, Kettering. Pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Teamwork Trust.
15th March 2020, Sunderland. Pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. I.M.P.A.C.T. Northeast.
4th April 2020. Online. Relational depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events.
CANCELLED DUE TO CV-19 25th April 2020. Exeter, Devon. Existential therapy. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill College.
2nd May 2020. Online. Pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events. FULLY BOOKED
3rd May 2020. Online. Pluralistic therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events.
CANCELLED DUE TO CV-19 23rd May 2020, Norwich. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Matrix College.
23rd May 2020. Online. Relational depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events. FULLY BOOKED
24th May 2020. Online. Relational depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events. FULLY BOOKED
CANCELLED DUE TO CV-19 6th June 2020, Swindon. Exploring relational depth in therapy. One day CPD workshop. Willows Counselling Service.
Saturday 6th June 2020. Online. Existential Contributions to Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events. FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 7th June 2020. Online. Existential Contributions to Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Online events.
Saturday 4th July 2020. Online. Goals in therapy: Actualising our deepest directions. One day CPD workshop. Online events. FULLY BOOKED
Sunday 5th July 2020. Online. Goals in therapy: Actualising our deepest directions. One day CPD workshop. Online events.
Saturday 25th July 2020. Online. Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Connection and Re-Connection at a Time of Social Distancing. One day CPD workshop. Online events.
Sunday 26th July 2020. Online. A Pluralistic Approach to Therapy: Introduction and Application. One day CPD workshop. Online events.
10th October 2020. Online. Existential Therapy: An Introduction. One day CPD workshop. NScience.
18th October 2020. Online. Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill.
24th October 2020. Online. Profundidad Relacional en Counselling y Psicoterapia: Conexión y Reconexión en un Momento de Distanciamiento Social. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
15th November 2020. Online. Working at Relational Depth. One day CPD workshop. Matrix College.
22nd Jan 2021. Online. Existential Therapies: Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Practices. Half-day CPD workshop (10.00-13.00 GMT). Online Events. (Concurrent Chinese translation: 存在疗法:探索丰富的实践方法).
6th Feb 2021. Online. Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. NScience.
7th Feb 2021. Online. The Tribes of Person-Centred Therapy: Celebration of Diversity & Difference. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
10th Feb 2021. Online. Personalizing Psychotherapy: Assessing and Accommodating Patient Preferences, ‘Book Nook’ Seminar. (13.00-14.30 Eastern Standard Time, 1800-19.30 GMT). American Psychological Association.
26th Feb 2021. Online. Personalizing Psychotherapy: Assessing and Accommodating Preferences. Half day CPD workshop (17.00-20.00 GMT). Online Events.
28th Feb 2021. Online. Goals in Therapy: Actualising our Deepest Directions. One day CPD workshop. Essential Therapy Training. Workshop evaluation.
6th March 2021. Online. Objetivos en la terapia: Hacer realidad nuestras orientacion más profundas. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
7th March 2021. Online. The Tribes of Person-Centred Therapy: Celebration of Diversity & Difference. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
8th May 2021. Online. Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Cancer Focus Northern Ireland.
9th May 2021. Online. Existential Therapy. Basic Principles and How to Integrate Them into Your Work. One day CPD workshop. Therapy for Life.
12th June 2021. Online. Discovering What Works In Counselling and Psychotherapy. Half day CPD workshop. Online Events
20th June 2021. Online. The Tribes of Person-Centred Therapy: Celebration of Diversity & Difference. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
26th June 2021. Online. The Schools of Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
24th July 2021. Exeter. Pluralistic Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill.
25th July 2021. Online. An Introduction to Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
11th Dec. 2021. Online. Relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
12th Dec. 2021. Online. A pluralistic approach to therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
29th Jan. 2022. Online. Goals in therapy: Actualising our deepest directions. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
11th June 2022. Worthing. The Tribes of Person-Centred Therapy: Celebration of Diversity & Difference. One day CPD workshop. cara Counselling Training.
8th October 2022. Poole, Dorset. An Introduction to Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill.
22nd October 2022. Online. Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Onlinevents.
12th November 2022. Online. Person-Centred Therapy: A Contemporary Introduction. One day CPD workshop. Onlinevents.
18th February 2023. Online. Therapy at the Heart of Social Change. One day CPD workshop. Onlinevents. (Access recording here).
17th March 2023. Online. Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling in Action: Essential Skills and Theoretical Underpinnings. One day CPD workshop. PESI.
18th March 2023. Online. Introduction to Existential Therapy. One day CPD workshop. Onlinevents.
25th March 2023. Brighton. Therapy and Social Change. Half-day CPD workshop. Sussex Counselling & Psychotherapy.
20th May 2023, Banbury. Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Banbury Therapy Centre.
1st July 2023, Guernsey. Relational Depth. One day CPD workshop. Relate Guernsey.
14th Oct. 2023. Online. Person-centred therapy: A contemporary introduction. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
28th Oct. 2023. Online. An existential workshop. One day CPD workshop. Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. [Workshop evaluation]
11th Nov. 2023. Truro, Cornwall. Therapy and social change. One day CPD workshop. Lifetime Therapy.
12th Nov. 2023. Truro, Cornwall. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Lifetime Therapy.
21st Nov. 2023. Online. An evening with Mick Cooper: Working at relational depth. CPD workshop (19.30-21.45). National Counselling Training Institute.
26th Nov. 2023. Online. Working at relational depth. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
20th Jan. 2024. Online. A pluralistic approach to therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
1st and 8th March 2024. Online. Existential Therapy: Helping Clients Reclaim Choice & Purpose. 1800-2100 GMT (1300-1600 EST). NScience.
16th March 2024. Online. Therapy and social change. One day CPD workshop. Online Events. [A recording of this event can be accessed here]
27th April 2024. Online. Introduction to existential therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
9th June 2024. Online. Tribes of person-centred therapy. One day CPD workshop. Online Events.
21st Sept. 2024. Poole, Dorset. Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy. One day CPD workshop. Iron Mill College.
Where available, workshop evaluation feedback is uploaded. This may be edited down for reasons of confidentiality, or to omit contextual factors (such as the acceptability of the location or catering), but has not been altered in any other way.